OM Sera Live Maospati Full Album (Update 2016)

Lagu-lagu Dangdut Academy saya pause dulu di koleksi Ayu D'Academy 2. Sekarang saya akan berbagi lagu Dangdut dan koplo OM Sera Live Maospati 15 Februari tahun 2015 yang dinyanyikan oleh Via Vallen, Rindi Safira, Febri Viola, Lovina AG, dan Sarah Brillian.

Download OM Sera terbaru live Maospati 15 Februari 2015

OM Sera live terbaru di tahun ini salah satunya digelar di Taman Ria Maospati pada 15 Februari 2015 ini dalam acara Goyang Valentine's Day atau untuk memperingati hari valentine. Lima Artis Dangdut koplo papan atas Jawa Timur dikerahkan guna menghibur warga masyarakat maospati dan sekitarnya yang berlibur di taman ria ini. Kelima artis tersebut adalah Via Vallen, Rindi Safira, Febri Viola, Lovina Ag dan Sarah Brillian.

Koleksi Via Valent dalam Sera Live Taman Ria Maospati 2015 ada tiga buah lagu, dimana 1 lagu merupakan lagu Dangdut original lawas, sedangkan dua lagu lain bukan asli bergenre Dangdut. Tiga lagu tersebut adalah Surat Terakhir, Selingkuh dan Tak Pernah Ternilai.

Sera Live Maospati 2016

  1. Cinta Terlarang (Cover Ilir 7) - Via Vallen
  2. Pantai Klayar - Ina Samantha - Lagu Baru
  3. Ra Kuat Mbok - Lovina AG
  4. Lungset - Fibri Viola
  5. Birunya Cinta - Fibri Viola ft Saeful
  6. Potret Tua - OM Sera
  7. Ngobong Ati - Sarah Brilian
  8. Tembang Tresno - Sarah Brilian
Berikut ini adalah link download Mp3nya untuk semua lagu yang dinyanyikan Via Vallen format mp3:
  1. Surat Terakhir - Link 1
  2. Selingkuh - Link 1 - Link 2
  3. Tak Pernah Ternilai - Link 1 - Link 2
Penyanyi yang tampil dengan mementaskan tiga lagu, selain Via Vallen adalah Lovina AG. Lagu yang dibawakan oleh Lovina AG dalam OM Sera live Maospati ini adalah terdiri dari beberapa genre yaitu campursari, dan house remix. Adapun ketiga judul lagu yang dipentaskan oleh Lovina AG adalah Kangen, Marai Cemburu dan Aku Ada Di Sini

Berikut ini adalah link download mp3nya
  1. Kangen - Link
  2. Marai Cemburu - Link
  3. Aku Ada Disini - Link
Febri Viola juga dijatah tampil tiga kali dengan melantunkan 3 buah tembang. Lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Febri Viola pada konser Sera di Maospati 2015 ini  2 berjenis house remix dan disco, yaitu Sendiri Saja yang dipopulerkan oleh Ikke Nurjanah tahun 2013, Aku Mah Apa Atuh yangdipopulerkan oleh Cita Citata, dan yang satunya bergenre Campursari, yaitu Edan Turon.

Berikut ini ketiga link downloadnya
  1. Sendiri Saja - Link
  2. Aku Mah Apa Atuh - Link
  3. Edan Turon - Link
Sementara itu, Sarah Brillian hanya menyanyikan dua buah lagu, yaitu Maju Mundur Cantik yang memenya dipopulerkan oleh Syahrini dan lagunya dipopulerkan oleh Rina Nose, dan lagu campursari yang berjudul Dikiro Preman. Adapun penyanyi yang paling sedikit adalah Rindi Safira yang hanya menyanyikan sebuah lagu yang aslinya bergenre Reggae yang berjudul Sunset Di Tanah Anarki

Berikut ini link download lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Sarah Brillian dan Rindi Safira
  1. Maju Mundur Cantik - Link
  2. Dikiro Preman - Link
  3. Sunset di Tanah Anarki - Link

Koleksi Lagu Dangdut Ayu di D'Academy 2 Lengkap

koleksi lagu dangdut ayu di D'Academy lengkap mulai babak 35 besar
Setelah saya selingi lagu-lagu pop Via Vallen, saya kembali fokus ke koleksi lagu Dangdut yang dinyanyikan kontestan D'Academy 2 khususnya Ayu Cirebon lengkap mulai dari babak 35 besar konser nominasi hingga konser final, babak 25 besar, 20, dan seterusnya selama Ayu masih bertahan di Dangdut Academy 2 ini.

Lagu Dangdut perdana yang dinyanyikan oleh Ayu tentu dimulai pada babak 35 besar konser nominasi D'Academy 2 sebagaimana kontestan lain seperti lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan Ega Kuningan dan yang lain, yang mana Ayu tergabung dalam grup 6 bersama Ester Bantul, Eva Karanganyar, Danny Bangka Belitung, dan Diky Ungaran yang secara otomatis tampil di hari keenam, 14 Februari 2015. Ayu tampil sebagai peserta pertama di konser nominasi babak awal ini dengan menyanyikan lagu yang berjudul Ikhlas yang dipopulerkan oleh Rita Sugiarto. Tanpa halangan yang begitu berarti, ia pun lolos ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu babak 28 besar konser nominasi.

Di babak 28 besar konser nominasi, Ayu tergabung dalam grup 7 bersama Daffa Tangerang, Riski Makassar dan Titik Blitar, yang otomatis tampil di hari ketujuh pada babak ini, 22 Februari 2015. Di babak 28 besar dan grup 7 ini, iapun tampil sebagai peserta pertama. Adapun lagu Dangdut yang dinyanyikan Ayu Cirebon di konser nominasi D'Academy 2 babak ini juga merupakan koleksi bunda Rita Sugiarto, yaitu Semakin Sayang Semakin Kejam. Dengan kualitas yang ia miliki, gadis berusia 15 tahun inipun melangkah ke babak berikutnya, yaitu 21 besar.

Adalah tanggal 1 Maret 2015 atau hari terakhir penampilan peserta D'Academy 2 untuk babak 21 besar grup 7 yang terdiri dari Danny, Titik Blitar dan ia sendiri. Di babak ini semua peserta diharuskan menyanyikan dua buah lagu untuk dua kali penampilan. Lagu yang ditampilkan Ayu pada penampilan pertama juga masih merupakan koleksi Rita Sugiarto yaitu  Kuingin. Sementara di penampilan keduanya, ia menggoyang panggung Dangdut Academy 2 dengan mendendangkan sebuah lagu rancak koleksi Camelia Malik - Tarantulla yang berjudul Liku Liku. Gadis asal Cirebon ini pun sukses melangkah babak selanjutnya, yaitu babak 25 besar konser final.

Di babak 25 besar konser final, semua kontestan juga diberikan kesempatan untuk dua kali tampil, namun untuk dua hari. Jadi satu hari, satu lagu. Pada babak ini, gadis yang masih bersekolah setingkat SMP ini tergabung dalam grup 2 bersama Rosi Sumbawa, Diky Ungaran, Albi Batubara dan Titik Blitar (lagi). Penampilan pertama di hari pertama, 11 Maret 2015, dia melantunkan sebuah tembang yang membuat Iis Dahlia tak kuasa menahan air matanya, yaitu koleksi dari Rhoma Irama yang berjudul Tabir Kepalsuan. Sedangkan lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Ayu pada hari kedua konser final 25 Besar D'Academy 2, 12 Maret 2015, adalah Dua Kursi yang dipopulerkan oleh Rita Sugiarto (lagi). Memperoleh polling SMS tertinggi membuat dia lolos ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu babak 20 besar konser final.

Konser final babak 20 besar yang harus dilakoni Ayu telah dilangsungkan tadi malam 26 Maret 2015 dan sehari sebelumnya. Ia sendiri tergabung dalam grup 4 bersama Irwansyah Medan (tersenggol), Albi Batubara, dan Titik Blitar (lagi). Di babak ini, semua kontestan D'Academy 2 tampil sebanyak tiga kali. Yaitu satu kali untuk hari pertama dan 2 kali untuk hari kedua. Jadi total lagu yang dikonteskan adalah 3 buah, untuk semua peserta yang lolos di babak ini.

Tampil sebagai peserta pertama di hari pertama 25 Maret 2015, Ayu mendendangkan sebuah lagu koleksi Camelia Malik yang berjudul Segudang Rindu. Sedangkan  2 koleksi lagu yang dinyanyikan Ayu pada hari kedua, 26 Maret, adalah Cinta dan Dilema yang dipopulerkan oleh Ikke Nurjanah dan Di Balik Penantian yang dipopulerkan oleh Yulia Citra. Kembali mendapat polling SMS tertinggi, Ayupun langsung melenggang ke babak selanjutnya, yaitu 15 besar yang akan ditayangkan Indosiar 29 Maret 2015.

Itulah koleksi lagu Dangdut yang dinyanyikan oleh Ayu Cirebon di D'Academy (untuk sementara) yang sudah saya tulis secara lengkap di atas. Sementara, berikut ini adalah link download mp3 untuk semua lagu yang sudah saya sebutkan di atas.

Untuk download koleksi semua kontestan dari babak 35 besar, silakan ke laman khusus Koleksi D'Academy 2 lengkap
  1. Ikhlas (Rita Sugiarto) - Download
  2. Semakin Sayang Semakin Kejam (Rita Sugiarto) - Download
  3. Ku Ingin (Rita Sugiarto) - Download
  4. Liku-Liku (Camelia Malik Ft Tarantulla) - Download
  5. Tabir Kepalsuan (Rhoma Irama) - Download
  6. Dua Kursi (Rita Sugiarto) - Download
  7. Segudang Rindu (Camelia Malik) - Download
  8. Cinta & Dilema (Ikke Nurjanah) - Download
  9. Di Balik Penantian (Yulia Citra) - Download
  10. Anoman Obong (Mamik Melani) - Download
  11. Sebatas Angan (Elvy Sukaesih) - Download
  12. Mimpi Terindah (Elvie Sukaesih) - Download
  13. Sesal (Rita Sugiarto) - Download
Saya ingatkan kepada teman-teman semua terutama yang berkunjung ke url ini, karena Ayu lolos ke babak 15 besar, tentu nanti akan ada update lagu lagi. Jadi jangan lupa untuk bookmark blog ini, agar anda tidak perlu mencari lagi.

Semua Lagu Via Vallen Spesial Pop, Reggae, SlowRock.

Malam sobat Dangduter..Lagu-lagu D'Academy saya pause dulu di semua lagu yang pernah dinyanyikan EGA D'academy 2, kali ini saya ingin share koleksi pentas Dangdut koplo Via Vallen spesial pop, reggae dan slowrock yang pernah dinyanyikan, baik bersama OM Sera, atau grup lain.

Bagi Vianisty atau Seramania, tentu sudah banyak yang tahu kalau Via Vallen itu lebih cocok dengan lagu-lagu bernuansa pop, reggae dan slowrock. Karena, ia sendiri mengawali karirnya sebagai penyanyi dari sebuah grup band di Jawa Timur (lupa namanya). Akan tetapi bukan berarti dia tidak bisa menyanyikan lagu bernuansa Dangdut asli, klasik yang penuh cengkok dan vibrasi. Buktinya, ada beberapa lagu Rita Sugiarto yang pernah dinyanyikan oleh Via Vallen feat SERA dengan begitu apiknya.

Jadi meskipun dia memiliki label sebagai penyanyi Dangdut, namun mayoritas lagu yang ia nyanyikan di atas panggung adalah lagu-lagu pop, reggae, slowrock, barat atau lagu dari grup band yang sedang hits, baik ketika diiringi oleh OM Sera, atau pentas terbaru OM Monata Sidoarjo dan juga grup lainnya. Kualitas dan materi vokalnya memang tampak lebih cocok menyanyikan lagu dengan genre tersebut. Namun, sebagai penyanyi profesional, ia pun harus bisa menyanyikan lagu dari semua jenis genre termasuk lagu jenis Campursari langgam yang pernah dinyanyikan oleh Via Vallen, meskipun jumlahnya tidaklah sebanyak lagu bergenre pop, barat, reggae, slowrock atau dari grup grup band.

Berikut ini semua koleksi lagu pentas Via Vallen khusus untuk Pop, Reggae, Slow Rock, Barat dan dari grup band.

Single Terbaru 2017
  1. Download Mengapa Cinta
  2. Download Kau Yang Memulai
  3. Download Jerat Cinta
  4. Download Sendiri
  5. Download Kanggo Kowe
  6. Download Dia - Sera Live Klaten 8 Jan 2017
  7. Download Jerit (H)atiku
  8. Download Penyesalan Abadi
  9. Download Ojo Nguber Welase
  10. Download Sekaligus (50mb)
Dalam album OM Sera Terbaru Live New Castle Madiun 2017

  1. Download Dia - Via Vallen  
  2. Download Jerit Atiku - Via Vallen
  3. Download Kimcil Kepolen - Via Vallen
  4. Download SERA O.A.O. E - Via Vallen

Album Via Vallen Terbaru Sakit Sakit Hatiku

  1. Download Sakit Sakit Hatiku - Via Vallen (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  2. Download Lepas Tanpa Kata - Via Vallen (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  3. Download Baper - Via Vallen (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  4. Download Makan di Luar - Via Vallen (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  5. Download 5 Centi - Via Vallen (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  6. Download Selingkuh (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)
  7. Download Secawan Madu (album Sakit Sakit Hatiku)

    A. Single/Lagu Via Vallen Terbaru 2016

    1. Download Kimcil Kepolen Via Vallen - 21 September
    2. Download Angin Malam - 05 September
    3. Download Emong - 03 September
    4. Download P H P - 31 Agustus
    5. Download Selimut Rindu - 29 Juli
    6. Download Maaf - 8 Juli
    7. Download Lara Hati - Via Vallen - 2 Juli
    8. Download Cinta 1 Minggu - 27 Juni
    9. Download Dangdut Jamaika -  27 Juni
    10. Download Sang Mantan - 26 Juni
    11. Download I'm Sorry I Love You -  13 Juni
    B. Album Grup Koplo

    Lagu Via Vallen dalam Album SERA live THR Sriwedari Solo 23 Nov 2016
    1. Download Penyesalan Abadi - Via Vallen
    2. Download Dia - Via Vallen
    3. Download Kimcil Kepolen - Via Vallen
    4. Download Kelayung2 - Sarah Brilian
    5. Download Nitip Kangen - Sarah Brilian
    6. Download Salah Tompo - Sarah Brilian
    7. Download Lungset (Remix) - Ivha Berlian
    8. Download Putuskan Pacarmu - Ivha Berlian
    9. Download Tangise Sarangan - Ivha Berlian
    10. Download Goyah - Ina Samantha
    11. Download Ni Ze Mi Shuo - Ina Samantha
    12. Download Rahmat Ilahi - Wiwik Arnetha
    13. Download Sayang 2 - Wiwik Arnetha
    Lagu Via Vallen Dalam Album OM SERA Live GBK Jepara 23 Oktober 2016
    1. Download All I Ask - Via Vallen
    2. Download Tangise Sarangan - Ivha Berlian
    3. Download Kimcil Kepolen - Via Vallen
    4. Download Kanggo Kowe - Fibri Viola
    5. Download Dia - Via Vallen
    6. Download Ni Zhe Me Shuo - Ina Samantha
    7. Download Bojo Loro - Ivha Brilian
    8. Download Goyah - Ina Samantha
    9. Download Ilang Tresnane - Fibri Viola
    10. Download Kelayung Layung - Erna D'Academy
    11. Download Lungset - Ina Samantha
    12. Download Suket Teki - Ivha Brilian
    13. Download Terlalu Rindu - Fibri Viola

      Lagu Via Vallen live Liquid Cafe Jogja, 30 Oktober 2016

      1. Download Don't Let Me Down All Ask I (Pop Barat)
      2. Download Dia (Reggae Koplo)
      3. Download All Ask I (Pop Barat)
      4. Download Kimcil Kepolen (Hip Hop Koplo)
      5. Download Bojo Ketikung
      6. Download Kelangan
      7. Download Lara Hati
      8. Download Ra Kuat Mbok
      Dalam Album OM SERA ALBUM MEGA RECORD 2016
      Download Sekaligus Semua Lagu ZIP (71 MB)

      1. Download Kimcil Kepolen - Via Vallen - Link 2
      2. Download Bojo Ketikung - Via Vallen - Link 2
      3. Download Lungset - Via Vallen - Link 2
      4. Download Salah Tompo - Via Vallen - Link 2
      5. Download Due Hape Ora Duwe Pulsa - Ina Samantha - Link 2
      6. Download Kelayung Layung - Ina Samantha - Link 2
      7. Download Pria Istimewa - Nella Kharisma - Link 2
      8. Download Sayang - Nella Kharisma - Link 2
      9. Download Suket Teki - Nella Kharisma - Link 2
      10. Download Anak Konco Dewe - Mona Ochan - Link 2
      11. Download TTM (Tewas Tertimbun Masalalu) - Mona Ochan - Link 2
      Via Vallen Live Jogja feat Koneg Band (Koplo Reggae) 21 Agustus 2016

      Download Full Album ZIP (28 MB)
      1. Kelangan - Via Vallen - Download (3.61 MB)
      2. Di Sayidan - Via Vallen - Download (3.93 MB)
      3. Lara Hati - Via Vallen - Download (4.78 MB)
      4. Bongkar - Via Vallen - Download (4.15 MB)
      5. Suket Teki - Via Vallen - Download (3.09 MB)
      6. Sambalado - Via Vallen - Download (2.79MB)
      7. Sayang - Via Vallen - Download (3.47MB)
      8. Kalung Emas - Via Vallen - Download (2.69MB)
        Dalam Album Nagaswara 12 Pop Koplo Lagu Wali 2016
        1. Yank
        2. Baik Baik Sayang
        3. Cabe (Cari Berkah)
        Dalam Album OM Sera live Blora 9 juli 2016
        1. Aku Lelakimu - Via Vallen
        2. Bongkar - Via Vallen
        Dalam album The Rosta 2016 vol 14
        1.  secawan Madu- Via Vallen - 8 Juli
        Dalam Album OM Sera Live Jenu TUBAN 2016
        1. TUM HI HO - Ivha Berlian
        2. Tiada Guna - Ina Samantha
        3. Terlalu Rindu - Ina Samantha
        4. Kupu Kupu - Via Vallen
        5. Bumipun Turut Menangis - Via Vallen
        6. Bukan Tak Mampu - Fibri Viola
        7. Antara Teman dan Kekasih - Erna d'Academy
        ViVal Live JTV Sby 19 Juni 2016
        1. Berdendang - ViVal
        2. Rahmat Ilahi - ViVal
        3. Jangan Menyerah - ViVal
        4. Dua Pilihan - ViVal
        5. Chubby - ViVal
        Dalam album SERA Live Galis Madura 2016
        1. Oleh Oleh - Via Vallen
        Dalam Album New Pallapa Live Bajomulyo Pati 2016
        1. Geboy Mujair
        2. Tum Hi Ho
        3. Tiada Guna
        Album Live JTV 10 Mei feat OM Batara 
        1. Terlalu Rindu
        2. Virus (Slank)
        3. Aku Bukan Pilihan Hatimu
        4. Kelayung Layung
        Dalam Album Melon Reggaedut koplo 2016
        1. Satu Cinta - Via Vallen
        Album Sera Live MNCTV Roadshow Gresik 2016
        1. Benci Bilang Cinta
        2. Ngamen 5
        3. Anoman Obong
        4. Secawan Madu
        Live JTV Surabaya feat OM Dewata 2016
        1. Birunya Cinta Via feat Candra J
        2. Liku Liku
        Via Vallen Live JTV Surabaya 26 April - feat OM Barata
        1. Bumipun Turut Menangis
        2. Ra Kuat Mbok
        3. Kelangan
        4. Sayang
        Dalam album OM Sera Live Kandangan Surabaya 2016
        1. Sayang
        2. Yang Terlupakan
        3. Biarlah Merana
        Dalam album OM Mahadewa Live JTV Surabaya April 2016
        1. Yang Terlupakan (Cover Iwan Fals)
        2. Tiada Guna
        3. Ngelali 
        Album SERA Live Liquid Jogja 31 Jan 2016
        1. Pulang Malu Tak Pulang Rindu
        2. Kelangan
        3. Kalung Emas
        Dalam album Sera Live Joyokusumo Pati 1 Maret 2016
        1. Kesempurnaan Cinta (Cover Rezky Feb) - Via Vallen
        2. Citra Cinta - Via Vallen
        Dalam album The Rosta terbaru 2016 Live Mojokerto
        1. Clara - Via Vallen
        2. Maaf - Via Vallen
        SERA live Std Kendal 2016
        1. Instrument Pembuka - OM SERA
        2. Pulang Malu Tak Pulang Rindu - Via Vallen
        3. Kalung Emas - Via Vallen
        4. Kelangan  - Via Vallen
        Sera Album Oleh Oleh 2016 (Via Vallen & Nella Kharisma Prod. Milady Rec)
        1. Oleh Oleh
        2. MDT MDP
        3. Ra Kuat Mbok
        4. Kelangan
        5. Jejakmu
        Album The Rosta Vol 11 Best Via Vallen 2016 (Aini Record)
        1. Cinta Sehidup Semati
        2. Cerita Kita
        3. Kelayung Layung
        4. Tum Hi Ho
        5. Tak Bisa
        6. Oleh Oleh
        7. Istimewa
        8. Angin Malam
        9. Kangen Setengah Mati
        10. Cintaku Takkan Berubah
        11. Madita Medipel
        Album OM Sera Live Puhpelm Wonogiri 2016
        1. Gerua - Via Vallen
        2. Cinta Terlarang - Via Vallen
        3. Sayang (Indo) - Via Vallen
        Via Vallen Album VIP 2016 (Samudera Record)
        1. Meraih Surga
        2. Tak Bisa Membenci - feat Mahesa
        3. Selimut Rindu
        4. Aku Tak Pantas Untukmu - Link 2
        5. Cintai Aku Selamanya - Link 2
        6. Dusta
        7. Full RAR (23 MB)
        Dalam album terbaru Nggaplek'i Dance 2016 (Samudera Rec)
        1. Aku Tak Pantas Untukmu - Via Vallen - 20 Jan
        2. Cinta Selamanya - Via Vallen - 20 Jan

        Sera Live Maospati 2016

        1. Cinta Terlarang (Cover Ilir 7) - Via Vallen
        2. Ngobong Ati - Sarah Brilian
        3. Tembang Tresno - Sarah Brilian
        4. Tunggu Update lagu selanjutnya...
        Lagu terbaru :

        Via Vallen Live JTV Stasiun Dangdut feat OM New Purnama
        1. Lungset
        2. Goyang Heboh
        3. TUM HI HO
        4. Sambalado
        5. Pulang Malu Tak Pulang Rindu
        1. Kiroro Mirae - Funkot Remix Sera 2015 -  (Upload 13 Des)
        2. Tum Hi Ho - OM Sera Live THR Sriwedari Solo Session 2 2015 - (Upload 30 Nov)
        3. Love Me Like You Do - Via Vallen - KONEG Live Liquid Cafe (Upload 1 Okt 201)
        1. 100% Salah
        2. 123 Kali
        3. Ada Aku/SERA Di Sini
        4. Air Mata Di Hari Persandinganmu
        5. Aishiteru
        6. Aku Bukan Bang Toyib
        7. Aku Bukan Dewi
        8. Aku Kangen Aku Rindu
        9. Aku Memilih Setia
        10. Aku Terjatuh
        11. Alay
        12. All Of Me
        13. All About The Bass
        14. Ambil Saja Pacarku
        15. Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan
        16. Antara Benci dan Rindu
        17. Antara Cinta & Benci
        18. Antara Hitam & Putih
        19. Asmara
        20. Asmaramu
        21. Ay (Feat New Pallapa)
        22. Baby
        23. Baik-baik Sayang
        24. Bapak Mana Bapak
        25. Bebas Merdeka
        26. Belahan Jiwa
        27. Benci Kamu
        28. Berkali -kali
        29. Berlayar Tak Bertepian
        30. Biarkan Cintamu Berlalu
        31. Bila Cinta Di Dusta
        32. Bintang Kehidupan
        33. Bis Sekolah
        34. Bring Me to Live
        35. Buka Hatimu
        36. Butiran Debu
        37. CAKA
        38. Cara Mencintaimu
        39. Cari Berkah
        40. Chubby
        41. Cinta Dan Benci
        42. Cinta Diantara Kita
        43. Cinta Terbaik
        44. Cinta Terlarang
        45. Cinta Yang Kucari
        46. Cintaku Tak Terbatas Waktu - New - Sera Live Tembiring Demak 2015
        47. Clara
        48. Dia Dia Dia 
        49. Diamond
        50. Dimana Hatimu
        51. Di Sayidan
        52. Di Saat Aku Mencintaimu
        53. Doaku Untukmu Sayang
        54. Don't Worry
        55. Don't You Remember
        56. Dua Cincin
        57. Empat Mata
        58. Garuda Di Dadaku
        59. Gerimis Mengundang
        60. Hakikat Sebuah Cinta
        61. Hanya Kamu
        62. Hargai Aku
        63. Harus Berpisah
        64. Hati Bagai Terpenjara
        65. Hati Yang Merana
        66. Hitam Putih
        67. Hitam Putih Fotomu
        68. Ini Rindu
        69. Isabella
        70. Jadilah Legenda Update 30 Agustus 2015
        71. Jamin Rasaku
        72. Janda 7 Kali
        73. Jangan Bertengkar Lagi
        74. Jangan Dendam
        75. Jangan Mau Mau
        76. Jangan Pernah Berubah
        77. Jangan Pisahkan Aku dan Dia
        78. Jarang Pulang
        79. Janji Setia
        80. Jejakmu
        81. Jika Cinta Dia
        82. Karma
        83. Kau dan Aku Satu
        84. Kau Selalu Di Hatiku
        85. Kau Tercipta Bukan Untukku
        86. Kebahagiaan Seperti Mimpi
        87. Kehilangan
        88. Kesaktianmu 
        89. Ketika Dusta Bicara
        90. Kisah Kasih di Sekolah
        91. Kopi Hitam
        92. Ku Harus
        93. Lady Sky
        94. Lagu Santai
        95. Lepaskanlah
        96. Love Me Like You Do
        97. Lumpuhkan Ingatanku
        98. Maafkan Aku
        99. Malam Masih Panjang
        100. Malu-malu Dong
        101. Mama Aku Ingin Pulang
        102. Mama Papa Larang
        103. Manja
        104. Manusia Tak Bersayap
        105. Matahariku
        106. Mau Di Bawa Kemana
        107. Maunya Begitu
        108. Melodi Memory
        109. Mencintaimu Sampai Mati (Utopia)
        110. Misteri Mimpi (Shakila)
        111. Mungkinkah
        112. Neng Neng Nong Neng
        113. Ngaca Dulu
        114. Obral Cinta
        115. Papa Rock n Roll
        116. Pelan-pelan Saja
        117. Pelangi Di Matamu
        118. Percaya Padaku
        119. Pergi Pagi Pulang Pagi
        120. Pergilah Kasih
        121. Pernahkah Dulu
        122. Pertama Kali
        123. Pilih Dia
        124. Pujaan Hati
        125. Rela
        126. Republik Sulap
        127. Rindu Merana
        128. Rindu Serindu Rindunya
        129. Rindu Setengah Mati
        130. Rindukan Aku Di Surgamu
        131. Rude
        132. Saat Indah Bersamamu
        133. Sahabat
        134. Sahara
        135. Sakit Aku Sakit
        136. Sama-sama Punya Pacar
        137. Sandiwara Cinta
        138. Sayang
        139. Satu Jiwa 
        140. Sebelum Kau Mengucapkan
        141. Selimut Tetangga
        142. Selingkuh
        143. Separuh Aku
        144. Sesakit Sakitnya
        145. Some One Like You
        146. Sudah Cukup Sudah
        147. Sudahi Perih Ini
        148. Sunset di Tanah Anarki
        149. Tak Seindah Malam Kemarin
        150. Tega
        151. Tegar
        152. Tentang Rasa
        153. Terlalu Cinta
        154. Terpukau
        155. Tetap Semangat
        156. Tiada Yang Lain
        157. Tipu Daya
        158. Welcome To My Paradise
        159. Ya Sudahlah
        160. Yakinkan Dirimu
        161. Yank
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          The Excavations at Pompeii, Neoclassical and Romantic Art

          The Resurgence of an Empire: The Excavations at Pompeii and their Influence on Neoclassical and Romantic Art

          In 79ADMount Vesuvius erupted burying Pompeii during the early Roman Empire, however the first excavations didn’t occur until the mid-18th century some 1,700 years later. Thus with the first archeological explorations, the long defunct Roman Empire then reached across time to exert new influence the Neoclassical and Romantic eras.

          Still life with Fruit, House of Julia Felix, Pompeii, Excavated in 1755

          There are many examples that can be used to link the civilizations of the Roman Empire with that of the 18th and 19th century through the rediscovery of vast amounts art. With each new discovery during the excavations the splendor of Rome inspired modern art and culture.

          Excavations under the Bourbon King Charles III

          In 1738 when the Bourbon King Charles III was King of Naples, his military engineer Alcubierre discovered the site at Herculaneum while planning a new Royal hunting palace.  Those excavations led to the discovery of Pompeii in 1748.  Alcubierre remained the director of the project through 1780.  At the time the royal family had no idea that Pompeii was so vast that over 250 years later archeologists would still be unearthing the city.

          Still life Wall Painting, House of Julia Felix, Pompeii, Excavated in 1755

          Each phase of excavation can be seen as tying in with the leadership of Naples at the time, in 1748 it was the Bourbon King Charles III, a lover of antiquity.  During his reign the Archeological Museum in Naples was founded to house the large Farnese collection of antique sculptures he would inherit from his Italian mother, Elisabetta Farnese.  The museum grew to house the art from the Vesuvian excavations.  Major buildings unearthed in this first period of include the House of Julia Felix in 1755 and the Villa of Cicero in 1759. 

          Contemporary society was in thrall at these discoveries, particularly in how colorful and well preserved the wall paintings were.  There are very few surviving examples of Roman wall painting elsewhere and both the technical skill and decorative elements were completely astonishing to those who saw them.  Equally impressive were the large floor mosaics created with thousands of chips or rock or pebbles.

          Street Musician floor mosaic, Villa of Cicero, Pompeii, Excavated in 1759-63

          The unearthing of Pompeii helped spread the Neoclassical movement that had started earlier in the century.  The city became a regular stop on the “Grand Tour” that many aristocratic travelers went on.  King Charles left Naples in 1759 to rule Spain and put his third son, Ferdinand I in charge of ruling Naples.

          Excavations under the Bourbon King Ferdinand I (1760-1798)

          The decade of the 1760’s marked an active era of excavations including: the Necropolis, the Basilica of Herculaneum, the theaters and the Triangular Forum.  The building which had the largest influence on art and culture was the Temple of Isis, unearthed in 1764, this was the only intact Roman temple that had been found.  The cult of Isis was widespread throughout the Roman Empire at the time of the eruption.

          The portico was decorated in fourth style wall paintings depicting the story of the Egyptian goddess Isis.  Many objects were found in this that inspired artists such as a full sized marble statue of Venus wringing out her hair and a bronze tripod brazier with sphinxes as legs.  The tripod in particular held a fascination for artists who faithfully copied it such as Piranesi and the French artist Pacris in 1777. 

          Tripod from the Temple of Isis, Piranesi, 1770's

          18thCentury Art and Architecture influenced by Pompeii

          Giovanni Battista Piranesi, in particular had long been interested in Roman ruins, his etchings of which were collected by Grand Tour patrons.  His scenes of antiquity were majestic and inspiring and added to the overall taste for the Neoclassical.  In addition, Piranesi designed interior objects, some were inspired by Pompeii such as a small table designed in 1768 which uses imaginative winged animals as legs.  He took motifs from the Isis tripod and adapted the style for the Neoclassical.

          Birth of Venus, Fresco from the Garden Wall at the Villa Venus Marina, Pompeii

          In other design works he used ancient images and suited them 18th century tastes as seen in this example of a design for a fireplace for the Earl of Exeter in which he directly transfers the birth of Venus from a fresco on a garden wall.

          Design for a Fireplace for the Earl of Exeter, Burghley House, Piranesi

          Since in the mid to late 18thcentury the majority of visitors to Pompeii were aristocratic travelers, much of the initial influence on the arts came through in two ways.  The first was in collecting, or in other words the taking of ancient artifacts to add to their own private art collections.  The second was in their widespread use of Neoclassical design when they returned home. 

          Perhaps no one adapted Pompeii for 18thcentury styles as the Scottish architect Robert Adam (1728-1792). The private homes and villas that were unearthed in Pompeii were large and the interior wall paintings full of bold colors.  Adam’s clientele wanted adaptions of Pompeian art in their own homes.
          Part of the glass drawing room, Northumberland House, London
          Designed from 1770; made 1773-1775

          Adam designed interiors for contemporary aristocratic taste, which were influenced by the opulence of the villas in Pompeii, such as, rich colors, inlaid marble flooring reminiscent of mosaics and reproductions of antique sculpture.  Adam was one of the most highly sought after architects and designers, and through his designs the late 18th century taste for Pompeii spread.  Other artists followed in Adam’s footsteps. 

          It is quite interesting that as a direct result of the excavations at Pompeii early Roman Empirical interior design tastes were now dictating the preference of the late 18th century.

          Louis-Gustave Taraval, Section of a Neoclassical Salon, 1785

          The other way images of Pompeii spread was through illustrated books, Jerome Richard wrote a complete guide to the works, reissued in the 1780’s called Voyage Pittoresque a Naples et en Sicile.  Pompeii was also visited by French artists studying at the Royal Academy in Paris who were awarded the Prix-de-Rome.  While they were studying in Rome, several of those artists visited Pompeii and drew what they saw.  Those who illustrated this volume included the well known 18th century French artist Fragonard.  They filled the pages with details examples of all the work that was unearthed so far.

          Judith Harris writes in her book “Pompeii Awakened” that after the reissued book came out:

          “The very concept of what was meant by classical art and architecture had to be reformulated.”1

          Meaning, there were several surprising elements that the 18th Century found out about Roman art and society through the resurfacing of objects.  Up until this time much of what was known of the Classical Era came through writing or ruins.  The Empire of Ancient Rome had been romanticized and the reality of the Romans didn’t match the idealized expectations of the public.

          Perhaps there is no better example than the large amount of erotic art found in Pompeii which both shocked and fascinated the population.  In the 1750’s King Charles briefly enacted a ban on the excavations after being offended by the sight of an infamous statue of Pan. This art was stored in a locked room in the museum at Naples which could only be accessed by special permission.  Some felt it was a sign that the Pompeians had caused their own destruction due to sin.  However others began to seek out the erotic art for their own private collections.

          Lovatelli Venus, Villa of Diomeded, Excavated 1771-74
          Painted Marble, 2nd Century BC, Getty Images

          Another example of rethinking what was meant by classical art is that all of the pristine white marble sculptures one associated with the Romans had in fact been brightly painted.  This can be seen in the example of the Lovatelli Venus.  Her hair and robes had been painted using encaustic, a wax based paint which would adhere to the marble.  In most cases painted statues would appear white after being buried or exposed to the elements, but in the case of Pompeii the paint was better preserved on the sculpture found there.

          Parthenopaen Republic and Bourbon Exile

          The French Revolution worried the court at Naples as the King was related to the French Bourbons and his wife, Queen Maria Carolina was the sister of Marie Antoinette.  On Christmas Eve in 1798 King Ferdinand fled to Sicily as the French army marched on Italy.  For several months in 1799 the French Army under the reign of the Parthenopaen Republic ruled Naples.  Ferdinand fled again in 1805 with the invasion of Napoleon’s army.  During most of that time the excavations were put on hold. 

          Excavations under the French decade of Napoleonic rule (1805-15)

          The next era was known as the French decade, Naples was first ruled by Joseph Bonaparte and then by the Murat’s, Napoleon’s brother-in-law, Joachim and his wife Caroline.  The Murat’s had a strong interest in the classics and under their rule the digs not only resumed but flourished.  They passed a law in 1807 banning the exporting of antiques.  The two major excavations during this time were the House of Pansa in 1810 and the Basilica from 1813-17, the director at this time was Pietro La Vega, who succeeded his brother Francesco, Alcubierre’s assistant for 15 years.

          Napoleon on his Imperial Throne, Ingres, 1806

          The well-known French painter Ingres was a student at the French Academy where he received the Prix-de-Rome and spent several years living in Italy. He came to the attention of Napoleon as his favorite portraitist.

          Finding of Telephus, Basilica of Herculaneum, Excavated in 1760's

          Ingres was obviously influenced by a  fresco with Telephus found in the Basilica of Herculaneum unearthed in the 1760’s since he copied the pose again in this portrait from 1856.  Ingres continued to paint in the Neoclassical style throughout his career.  

          Madame Paul-Sigisbert Moitessier, Ingres, 1856

          Excavations under the restoration Bourbon King Ferdinand I (1816-25)

          When King Ferdinand returned to Naples in 1816, he now ruled as the King of the Two Sicilies. Naples was a different place after the French decade and the excavation sites were drawing a more varied crowd.  The 1820’s was another busy period in the archeological digs unearthing the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of the Fortuna Augusta and the richly decorated House of the Tragic Poet.  In particular, the latter contained paintings and mosaics with a high level of detail and emotion.

          Sacrifice of Iphigenia, House of the Tragic Poet, Excavated in 1824

          Excavations under 19th Century Bourbon Kings (1825-1861)

          From the death of King Ferdinand in 1825 to the Italian Unification in 1861, the Bourbons (Francis I (1825-1830), Ferdinand II (1830-1859) and Francis II (1859-1861) continuously ruled Naples. Several buildings were excavated during that time, but perhaps the most significant was the largest residence found in Pompeii, The House of the Faun, excavated in 1830.  The scale and grandeur of the mosaics found there were unsurpassed.  Richly detailed scenes that were created in hundreds of thousands of tiny chips of stone lined the floors in many rooms.  

          The Battle of Alexander the Great and Darius was the most impressive mosaic in a vast villa filled with them, it measured 8’9” x 16’7” (2.7 x 5.1 m) and is thought to be a copy of an original Greek painting from 310BCE. 

          Battle of Issus (Alexander the Great and Darius of Persia), Floor mosaic from House of the Faun, Pompeii

          19th Century Romantic Art Influenced by Pompeii

          Artistically, the early 19th century saw a move towards Romanticism.  The Romantic Movement focused on sweeping emotion, a sense of theatricality, the idea of the sublime and in depicting grand historical narratives.  In other words, the subject of Pompeii was a perfect match for Romantic art. 

          In this time the artistic influence shifted away from 18th century design tastes and was more focused on the tragedy of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

           The Last Day of Pompeii was a popular Romantic theme.  The version by Bryullov inspired one of the most popular novels at the time, The Last Days of Pompeii, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton which was published in 1834.  His novel imagined numerous fictional characters and their lives in Pompeii before they met their tragic end. 

          The Last Day of Pompeii, Karl Bryullov, 1830-33

          The Bulwer-Lytton novel then inspired new romanticized art based on the characters of the book such as Randolph Rogers’ Nydia.  Nydia was the heroine of the story who was able to rescue her friends when the smoke and ash of the volcano darkened the sky so much that others couldn’t see.  Since she was used to navigating the streets without sight, she was able to lead them away from the town to safety.  The Rogers’ sculpture was so popular that his sculpting studio produced over 70 copies in marble.

          Nydia, Randolph Rogers, 1859, 55 inches tall, marble

          Outdoor painted sketches of Pompeian ruins

          The actual ruins in Pompeii were also seen as romantic and inspired the artists that visited  in the mid-19thcentury to create landscape paintings.  Landscape paintings done on location were considered in the early 19th century to be unfinished works to be used as backdrops.  However landscape paintings were becoming popular in the Romantic age, many were nostalgic views of country life created as a response to the new industrial age.  The landscapes that Pompeii inspired were also nostalgic and sought to memorialize a once great empire.

          Christen Købke, The Forum, Pompeii with Vesuvius in the Distance, mid-19th century

          Excavations after Italian unification

          A momentous event happened in 1861, Italy was unified for the first time under the rule of King Victor Emmanuel II.  The Bourbons in Naples and other monarchs stepped down from power.

          In 1863 a new Director of the Pompeii Excavations was chosen, Giuseppe Fiorelli, who introduced several modern archeological methods.  One of his most important contributions was the creation of life casts in 1863, which were done from the cavities left in the hardened volcanic matter after the victims had long since decomposed.  Plaster was injected into these cavities and the result proved to be shockingly realistic, giving archeologists new ideas of clothing, artifacts and emotional state.  

          Life casts of the Pompeii victims

          The new ideas of humanism and individuality of the victims invoked sympathies, and influenced a new emotional artistic style.  In particular the painter Lawrence Alma-Tadema incorporated a level of realistic detail in his work which combined elements from both Neoclassicism and Romanticism.  Though his scenes are imagined, he painstakingly recreated real objects and interiors in his paintings and focused on more intimate scenes of daily life.

          Preparations for the festivities (The floral wreath) oil on canvas 54 x 69.2 cm signed c.: L. ALMA. TADEMA 1866

          As of today it is estimated that only two thirds of Pompeii have been uncovered, as the final third is excavated in the years to come it will be interesting to see how the Roman Empire continues to influence society through the unearthing of this vast archeological site.

          1- Harris, Judith. Pompeii Awakened: A Story of Rediscovery. London: I.B. Tauris, 2007.