The New Business of Online Marketing

Put your website to work.

Your website and how you work it can help you reach out to prospective customers economically. Be prepared to state what your business does, what services you provide and what products you have for sale. Specifically show how your current customers use your products and services. Explain why people need your products and services. Now show how your products and services differ from the competition. In marketing lingo, this is your value proposition.

Your website must attract potential customers, keep them interested in your products and services, and make it easy for customers to use and share with others. Does your web page have something for the visitor to read or download for free? Does your web page have a form customers can fill out to get more information? Put up all the social web icons so your customers can share your site with others. Submit your website to the search engines using Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the varied techniques and practices used to get more traffic from search engines

When you put a word or a phrase into search engine, the search engine goes out looking for those words in the description of websites. Put "underwater basket weaving" into a search engine and look at the full first page of the results. If you sell supplies for underwater basket weavers, you want to be in this first page results. If you have written a book, give tours, sell t-shirts or teach underwater basket weaving, you want to have your website come up in this first page of results.

Get busy with article marketing.

You know a lot about 1957 Chevies or parachutes or grooming poodles. Write about what you know. Open up your word processor and just type down anything and everything you know on your subject until you get to 600 words. Now go back and make the spelling, grammar and punctuation corrections. Open up your favorite search engine and type in "article marketing" and make a list of five directories. Open up an account on each one and submit your article. Keep track of how long it takes each one to approve your article. Once it is approved, write another. In fact, write up 5 more and submit as many of them as you can.

Ramp up your e-mail marketing.

Sending out an email to prospective customers is maybe the easiest and one of the best ways to grow your business. Just learn the right way to do it. That customer form on your website is where you get the email addresses. Make your subject line attention getting with "FREE" or "REVEALED" or "SECRET" along with 4 more words. The message inside tells the customer 3 reasons why they should get your products or services. Those articles from the marketing steps above turn into a free eBook once you have 45 pages of reading material.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit and the list goes on. You need to get an account set up on each social media site and put the linking icon on each page of your website. When someone reads something interesting on your website make it easy for them to share it with others. You want to have the communication device that others seek. If you have a 3 minute video of upholstering a footstool, put it up on your website with all the social media links. If you have a 6,000 word eBook on nuclear plant effluence effects on migrating salmon, put it up on your website with all the social media links. Do you have still shots of how to install a zip line in a rain forest? Put up a slide presentation on your website with all the social media links.